A power jóga rövid története

Ez a fajta jóga irányzat a fitnesz és a jóga fizikai vonulatát foglalja magában. Nyújtás és edzés. Cardio, testedzés és ászanák? Ezért is nevezhetjük a power jógát egy hibrid jóga típusnak. Megnézzük, hogy mit érdemes tudni róla és hogy honnét ered.
A power jóga rövid története

As the name suggests, power yoga focuses on building strength and endurance. Yoga philosophies are not exactly based on this type of exercise, but rather on asans, the physical aspect of the essential and heart-pumping i.e. cardio workout.

Although power yoga is not the official type of yoga, the term is sometimes used alternately with Vinyasa Yoga. It is probably more accurate to say that power yoga is a form of Vinyasa with roots in Astanga Yoga, which is a common practice that dates back to the early 20th century.

With power yoga, the emphasis is on the flow from one pose to another, instead of taking each pose separately, it is more about the flow. Poses are not separated from each other, unlike some other forms of yoga. No matter what you call it, power yoga is fast-paced and intense activity. It is a fast form of movement, connecting breathing from one posture to another, combining breathing with different movements of our body.


Where does power yoga come from?

There are two names associated with the birth of power yoga, which was created in the late 1980s, and they – Beryl Bender Birch and Bryan Kest.

Beryl, who wrote The Power Yoga book, practiced and taught Astanga Yogain New York . She noticed that “runners and athletes” have such tense muscles that they are not able to take various yoga poses.


power-right, head-to-head


To his honor, he modified the Ashtanga practice to meet people where they are, calling it “stretching and strengthening for athletes.” “I thought it was a fantastic exercise for athletes. It does not stretch to warm up for running, cycling or tennis … you have to sweat. ”


They even tried the name “Yoga for Athletes” for this branch before finally coming up with the winner, “Power Yoga.”

Beryl said in an interview:

Power Yoga was simply a name, a name I came up with in the late 1980s to let people know that this ashtanga yoga practice – unlike most of the yoga taught in the 1970s – was a serious workout…

I couldn’t trademark it, even though I tried. Byran Kest tried … Somehow we both came up with the name at the same time. He was on the West Coast; And I was on the East Coast… Baron (Baptise) got the name from me. We named it Power Yoga and trademarked it.


Here we will learn a few things:


Initially, Power Yoga was a modified Ashtanga yoga exercise.

The emphasis was on “serious training,” not just stretching.

He was oriented towards the athletes.

Power yoga became “anything and everything.”


Astanga vs power yoga

Ashtanga is tough. This is a practice in a fixed order, that is, every time we perform the same áastans, the same breathing-movement exercises. There are a total of six series, called series, and we need to take a break between series before we continue. Astanga Yoga has a lot of movement and you need to have great flexibility for many postures.

In order for Ashtanga to be in the masses, he would have to change it a lot.

Bryan Kest came up with the name Power Yoga at the same time. Like Beryl, Bryan is based in Santa Monica, California, trying to figure out how to make yoga available to more people. Instead of athletic names, Bryan thought of terms like “grandma yoga” because “I wanted grandmothers to feel welcome in class.”

Luckily, they left “grandma yoga” as no one wants to practice this, not even her grandmother. Instead, we strive to be fit.


A power jóga egészségügyi előnyei

Az erőjóga rajongók szerint ez fokozza az állóképességet, a rugalmasságot, a testtartást és a mentális összpontosítást. Mint minden fizikai tevékenység, ez is enyhíti a feszültséget és felszabadítja a méreganyagokat az izzadság révén. Mivel szigorú és izzasztó, több kalóriát éget el, mint a legtöbb jóga hagyományos forma, és ezért segíthet a fogyásban.


Néhány figyelmeztetés:

Mielőtt belevágna, ne feledje, hogy a power jóga nehéz munka, és nem mindenki számára való.

Kerülje az power jógát, ha:


  • A power jóga minimum megköveteli, hogy mérsékelten fitt legyen – különben a fizikailag intenzív ászanák (pózok) végül több kárt okozhatnak, mint hasznot.
  • Terhes vagy. Bizonyos ászanák komplikációkat okozhatnak terhesség alatt. (Ehelyett próbálja ki a szülés előtti jógaórákat, amelyek szelídek és terhes nők számára készültek.)
  • Krónikus fizikai betegségben szenved, például cukorbetegségben vagy ízületi gyulladásban


Ha bármilyen problémája van, a legjobb, ha konzultál az egészségügyi szolgáltatóval, mielőtt kipróbálja az erőjógát vagy bármilyen megerőltető testmozgást.

Ha megtetszett ez a fajta jóga irányzat, akkor a power jógát Budapest legjobb jógastúdióiban is kipróbálhatjuk!


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